Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Create the Best Aviary or Cage for Your Finches

Zebra Finches are easy to care for and that includes when they are breeding. The little birds are great pets due their quirky little personalities, and they are one of the easiest types of finches to breed. It has been said that they will even help to rear the young of other finches like rare types of Australian Grass Finches.

There are many ways the male and female are different. The males have a number of distinguishing features. Some are: orange cheek patches, stripes on the throat, a chestnut colored flank with white spots, and black bar on the breast. Females lack these features and are gray in those areas mentioned. There little beaks are generally a brighter red in males and an orange color in females. The younger male birds, Juveniles, look like females, but with a black beak. Once the Juveniles reach 90 days, the beak and adult colors are usually complete.

Spring is breeding season for the finches. They need a specific environment for successful breeding. Some will do very well as a single pair in a breeding box, while others need a large aviary with many other birds around. A compatible pair of Zebra Finches will nest in almost any environment. They are good parents and rarely have breeding related problems. Both the male and female share responsibility in raising the young. The male will weave the nest using nesting materials like grasses, feathers, or commercially prepared finch nesting material in the cage or aviary. As soon as the hen lays her eggs, it is your job to remove any excess nesting material from the cage. This prevents the male from covering up the eggs in his enthusiasm to make improvements.

The female will lay one egg every other day until the clutch is complete. The average clutch size is four to five eggs. After the eggs are laid the hen who will spend most of her time on the nest. The male will often relieve her for food and exercise breaks. Twelve to eighteen days later, the eggs will begin to hatch.

Parents will need an unlimited access to calcium, such as cuttlebone and high protein foods when chicks are in the nest.

In approximately 18 days, the chicks will feather out and start to leave the nest. By the time the chicks are about a month old they will be eating completely on their own and, thus, can be separated from their parents. The male Zebra Finch will finish feeding the chicks and can rejoin the female after the chicks are completely weaned.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Aquarium Filtration System - Should You Consider Undergravel

There is no doubt that keeping your aquarium clean is crucial to the well-being of your fish and plant. The quality of the water is critical and whether your fish and plant thrives or not depends a lot on the condition of the water. Aquarium filter is essential to keep your tank clean and free from harmful toxin and wastes that accumulates over time.

One popular and widely used aquarium filtration system is the under gravel filter. As the name suggest, the filtration component is located beneath the gravel that is normally used as a form of substrate inside the fish tank. One drawback to this system is that you need to vacuum the gravel in the tank frequently. You need to do this to prevent waste particles and debris trap in the gravel from affecting the performance of the under gravel filter.

Some people perceive it as a hassle to replace this system as it involves major overhaul of the aquarium. You need to remove the gravel and almost everything along with it. The main advantage with under gravel filtration system is that it is quite efficient as well as easy to install and operate. You don't need to deal with stuff hanging on the back of your aquarium like some other filtration systems.

All the major components for this type of filtration system are concealed under the gravel with basically columns that run up the corners, which have one-way valves within them. You can increase the performance and efficiency of most under gravel system by adding a power-head filter.

A 'power-head' is basically the part of the filter that ejects water into the aquarium. Complimenting your under gravel filtration system with a power head is important because it facilitate the pushing of fresh, filtered water from the under gravel system back to your aquarium. Doing so will also produce oxygen bubbles into your fish tank and provide adequate oxygen to your fish.

It is important for you to keep your fish tank in clean condition. Your fish could easily contract disease, become ill and even perish as a result of a dirty and poorly maintain tank. Assembling together a good filtration system won't require much time and effort at all. It is quite easy to set up an under gravel filter. The best part of this filtration system is that it is located right down where the waste is, rendering it remarkably simpler to remove it from your aquarium thus keeping your tank clean all the time.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Need Help to Select Live Plant Species for My First Freshwater Aquarium

My first step to a planted aquarium

Who wouldn't like an organic freshwater planted aquarium compared to chemically boosted nest for their lovely pets. It is therefore essential to simulate growth of bacteria in your first planted aquarium built from scratch to help develop nutritious substrates and fertilizing agents. Under these circumstances, we go with no lights, zero fish or plants after addition of substrate. The core purpose being to allow the water to circulate and "offgas" for up to 2 or 3 days maximum before we start planting.

What kind of plants should I grow?

Ozelot Sword, one of the South American decorative plants is considered an excellent beginner's plant with an elliptical black spots on elongated reddish-brown or bright green leaves. The spots are darker on younger leaves, but remain even on mature leaves and even under low light conditions. It has a fast growth rate and can rise up to 40 cm. It is an undemanding, tolerant plant and grows happily in a wide array of conditions, including unheated tanks and those with very hard water. This plant may send up flower stalks to the surface, producing small white flowers with around 12 hours of sunlight. Place a ball of substrate gold in gravel to fertilize and feed the plant.

Narrow Leaf Java Fern is a lush, mid-ground plant often used to decorate rocks and driftwood. Java Fern is hardy plant that does not require much care. It's roots attach to the surface it is planted on. It should therefore be planted on a rock or driftwood. Java Fern can be kept in brackish tanks. It requires low lighting otherwise could melt and develop tansparent patches. It could be poisonous and so is ignored by herbivorous fish.

Cryptocoryne Wendtii comes in green, red and bronze colored variable leaves. It grows submersed in south Asian waters in bogs. Cryptocorynes are sensitive to change and therefore should only be moved when neccesary. They feed from roots and so the substrate should be rich in fertilizers and does best in warm weather.

Anubias Nana also known as "dwarf anubias" bears tough, waxy, dark green leaves sprouting from thick rhizome. It grows parallel to the ground and adheres to rocks or woods. Advantages are less need for lighting and nutrients for growth. Rooting it's rhizome under gravel could lead to it's death and need to be taken care of.

While there could be many aquarium plants like Amazon sword plant, Vallisneria, Aponogeton, etc depending upon the climatic conditions and ecological balance of your planted aquarium the above are most suitable to meet major changes and make the aquarium environment look pleasant and colorful for the health benefits of both fishes and human beings

Advantages and dis-advantages of a planted aquarium:

  • It absorbs carbon-di-oxide - CO2 in daylight
  • Releases oxygne - O2 during daytime
  • Absorbs toxins
  • Harbors beneficial bacteria
  • Serves as a great food source to herbivirous fishes
  • Inhibits algae growth
Main disadvantages of having a planted aquarium could be development of parasites and generation of debris from dead leaves and plants that could block the filter. Regular maintenance can help in prevention of these.

Kalpen Shah

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Solvit Pet Vehicle Safety Harness - Safety And Buying Tips To Keep In Mind

The Solvit Pet Vehicle Safety Harness is a simple solution to help keep your dog safe whilst travelling.

So if you decide that you would like to try to keep your pet safe when travelling, why not consider the Solvit Pet Vehicle Safety Harness?

Did you know also that you can buy it online and get it for a really great price? This article will advise you on the harness features and how to get it for a great price.

Sadly dog safety in cars is not always a priority with some people, and therefore not all dog owners are responsible when transporting their dogs. Some dogs are just kept loose in the moving vehicle, but it has to be said often these dogs go through life without a problem.

However, not everything is within our control, and accidents do happen.

If your dog is loose in the car, and should you have an accident, the dog then turns into an unrestrained object, whereby it can fly forward hitting anyone or anything ahead of them. Your pet will then be travelling through the air at the speed the vehicle was doing on impact.

So if the dog hits the front window of the vehicle or passengers ahead of him, there will most likely be injuries, or even fatalities.

Therefore if your pet is secured, it is generally safer for the pet and all those in the vehicle with him.

Solvit Pet Vehicle Safety Harness - Features:

  • Made from special strength-rated material
  • Fully padded and fleece-lined safety vest
  • Installs easily in all vehicles
  • Attaches with heavy-duty straps and full metal connectors
  • It doesn't require too much space, and it can be easily installed in any vehicle, so can be very convenient if you have a small car or travel in more than one car

Buying Tips To Keep In Mind:

You may already know of a local store where you can purchase your Solvit Pet Vehicle Safety Harness. However, it is worth remembering than you can buy the harness online and get a really good deal.

Buying online is quick and easy. Simply search for the product you require using a search engine such as Google, and within seconds you should have the results on your computer screen of which stores sell the item you searched for.

So this is much quicker and easier than travelling to the shops. You may also find that the online stores will have a much larger selection as compared to a local pet store.

But, you can also find some fantastic deals online too, so it is definitely worth looking online for your Solvit Pet Vehicle Safety Harness, and get yourself a really great deal on it, but just remember to buy safely from a reputable store!