As the concept of animal communication becomes more universally accepted it can bring extra insight and help toward understanding behavioural problems. This may make a difference if an animal is considered to be out of control, or is displaying signs of stress or discomfort for no apparent reason, and the owner is considering parting with it. Coupled with hands-on healing, communication is very useful as a complementary tool as it can bring to light problems that are not easily noticeable. However, it must always be considered complementary and it can never replace veterinary care.
Whilst studying animal care I was invited to a riding stable to see a small pony, and a large mare, both young animals that were not behaving well despite having had several vet checks, and also having had help from an animal communicator. The small pony had not given any idea as to why she was naughty and seemed to enjoy her misbehaviour. When I started the hands-on healing, to my surprise (and also to the surprise of her owners) she relaxed completely, almost to the point of going to sleep, she behaved very well, obviously enjoyed it, and went off happily. We were no wiser except to conclude that she was young, liked being naughty and would need a lot of training. The large mare, Betty, was very different, according to the communicator she was aware that her owners had talked of getting rid of her, she was very frightened about this but, nevertheless, when being ridden after a short while she would rear up and throw the rider off. She had received many veterinary checks, and also had checks on her spine and there didn't seem to be a valid reason for this. She was quite relaxed whilst I moved along her right side and came round to the front, in fact she was friendly. As I moved round to her left side she became more tense, and as soon as my hands went past her shoulder, her head came round and she pushed me firmly away.This was repeated in front of her owners who said " We really have done our best and nothing can be found to be wrong." Eventually it was decided that as she was only young, and of good stock, she would go to a breeding stable to see if she could be a brood mare in due course; her behaviour was only difficult when she was being ridden. At that stable she was given a complete body scan, and was found to have an ovarian cyst which was affecting her left side, once dealt with she became much happier and confident and now enjoys life. Whilst the healing and communication could not solve the problem it was able to show that the horse was genuinely frightened, and had a good reason for her apparently dangerous behaviour.
The concept also works the opposite way in which the animal itself instigates the communication. I was given a very good example of this when having a telephone discussion with a friend about a horse she planned to buy. As she explained to me that a veterinary check had taken place, and that a problem with one leg had shown up on an Xray, and this problem would need looking at and would cost more money, I had the image of a horse's head come into my mind and the distinct feeling that they should not waste their money. I could 'see' the horse clearly in my mind and was able to describe it, and it appeared to be the horse my friend was talking about. We were both amused by this occurence but wondered if she should go ahead with the purchase, was this the 'message' that was coming across? She referred the Xray back to the vet that had taken it, and he said " that is just a shadow on the Xray, is nobody capable of reading an Xray properly?" The horse's leg was fine and the purchase was made, we could not explain how the horse had managed to join in our conversation, but she is a very sensitive animal may be as we were concentrating so hard on her we made a connection.
There are different ways that people use to make the connection with animals, I personally think that anyone that is a genuine animal lover would be able to do it, and also anyone that is a genuine healer. In the UK a prominent animal communicator is developing a system he calls 'The Trust Technique' and he is using it with wild animals as well as domesticated ones. Another very experienced horse owner is using E.F.T.(Emotional Freedom Technique) to great effect. This is a therapy that uses tapping with the finger on meridian points around the body, a bit like the concept of acupuncture but without needles. As an E.F.T. practitioner she used the technique on herself when she had experienced a serious fall, and was very wary about getting on a horse again; and as the technique had worked for her she used it on the horse as well. Since that time she has helped many people, and animals, sometimes from a distance using photographs.These are her words " Horses, more than many domestic animals, are just big emotions on legs. They FEEL everything, and some of the emotions that appeared to me whilst tapping, surprised me with their complexity."
As our knowledge about the working of the mind, human and animal, grows and expands, I believe that we will accept that many of our pets, and animals that we are connected with, blend with our energy systems, and we with theirs benefiting human and animal alike.
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