You can either "dust" your insects by putting them into a bag a with a pinch of the calcium and shaking lightly, or you can sprinkle some onto the vegetables.
Babies - Once a day
Juveniles - 4 to 5 times a week
Adults - 4 to 5 times a week
Multi-Vitamin Feeding
Multi-vitamins are used to ensure your pet is getting a well-rounded vitamin intake, in case the food you are providing is lacking. These vitamins also come in powder form, the same as calcium. It is to be added to either the crickets or the vegetables in the same fashion as described for the calcium supplement, but less frequently.
Babies - 3 to 4 times a week
Juveniles - 2 to 3 times a week
Adults - 1 or 2 times a week
It is important to note that both the multi-vitamin and calcium supplements should not be used in the same feeding. Certain vitamins within the multi-vitamin will bind to the calcium, rendering it useless to you lizard, as it will not be able to absorb into the bones.
When it comes to feeding bearded dragons, most know they are omnivores, thus requiring insects and veggies to fulfill their daily diet. However, many owners are unaware of the important role that vitamins play in their pet's health. Dragons need a steady dose of calcium and multi-vitamins to keep them as healthy and strong as possible for years to come.
Calcium Feeding
Calcium is the most vital vitamin to your beardie's health. It is calcium that is needed to keep their bones strong to prevent metabolic bone disease. This is also the reason we aim for high-calcium vegetables when feeding our lizards, and gut-loading our insects. It is also the reason we need to supply UV lighting.
Adding these vital nutrients when feeding bearded dragons might take a couple extra minutes, but will ensure you pet is getting the absolute best nutrition possible. Both the calcium and multi-vitamin supplements can be purchased for around $5 - $7 each, and last quite a long time due to a very little going a long way. My jars usually last close to a year, so the added cost is minimal. You can find these supplements at most pet supply stores, or you can order them online. You will probably find a better price online, but beware of overpriced shipping costs, which will make the overall price more than the stores charge.
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