Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Best Tank Setup For Your Betta

When it comes to betta tank setup, size does matter. While most bettas can survive in very small containers, they will live long, quality lives only when placed in tanks no smaller than a gallon or two. Bettas have an organ called the "labyrinth", which allows them to breathe oxygen as humans do, and also allows them to survive outside water for longer periods of time. However, this does not give you the excuse to house your betta in a small jar. Actually, I find no problem with bettas being kept in small jars since most betta breeders in Thailand and other parts of Asia practice this with much success. The problem is if you cannot find the time to change the water of your betta's jar on a regular basis. Unlike with other aquarium fish, betta fish's water should be replaced at a more frequent basis if their long and flowy fins are to remain beautiful and vibrant. Therefore, if you want to choose the best tank setup for your betta, you should consider these essential things:

1.) Tank Size - Again, tank size matters. However, if you can't provide a tank larger than 5 gallons for your betta, you should be prepared to perform water changes every 3-5 days.

2.) Filtration - Bettas that are kept in tanks below 2.5 gallons can live without filtration. However, full water changes every 2-3 days are a requirement. If you house your bettas on tanks 5 gallons and up, you should get a filtration system since it is more difficult to perform full water changes on larger tanks.

3.) Heater - If you live in Asia like me, heaters are not necessary. However, if you live in countries that experience cold seasons, you definitely need a heater for your betta. Ideal temperature for a betta's water is between 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit. If you keep your fish in tanks smaller than 5 gallons, it would be ideal to get a small heater as regular sized heaters can heat up smaller tanks fast. Or, keep your tank in a warm room.

4.) Massive Water Changes - To give you an idea on how frequent you should change your betta's water, refer below:

Tank Size and Frequency of Water Change

Below 2.5 gallons--------------------------------------Every 2-3 days (100% water change)
2.5 to 5 gallons (Filtered/Unfiltered)-----------------Every 3-5 days (100% water change)
5 gallons and up (Filtered)-----------------------------Twice a month with 25% water changes once a week

5.) Accessories - I personally do not recommend adding accessories to tanks if you are keeping bettas with long and flowy fins such as halfmoons and crowntails. However, if you wish add accessories such as live or plastic plants, make sure they do not have very sharp or pointed edges that might tear your betta's fins. Like most breeders, I keep my 2.5 gallon betta tanks bare, with no pebbles (substrate), no plants, and no accessories whatsoever. The reason is that these accessories make tank cleaning very difficult. By leaving my tank bare, all I need to do when it's time to clean my betta's tank is siphon all the poop and dirt out and replace the water.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Role of Glucosamine and Its Effectiveness

As a pet owner it is your responsibility to ensure that your dog is well looked after. Because of its communication difficulties and the high pain threshold of animals in general, it is possible that you will not get any warning signs that there are problems until very late in the development of the condition. The pet will begin to fall backwards when it walks and will generally be uncomfortable with petting. Glucosamine is the supplement which many pet owners rely on to reduce the level of discomfort for the animal. It can be consumed as either a tablet or in liquid form depending on the most convenient method.

1. Watch out for the older steps: Like human beings, older pets tend to have problems with their bones. Arthritis can be a debilitating condition which makes it very difficult for the animal to climb stairs or travel long distances. You have to prepare a program through which you will be able to deal with the underlying condition and also reduce the escalation of existing symptoms. For example some form of occupational therapy might be combined with the controlled use of glucosamine in order to give the pet a chance.

2. Where does this medication work? In fact the animal's body will already contain high levels of the glucosamine compound within the synovial fluid and ligaments. You are merely topping up when you start the treatment program. In some estimates the supplement can only give you 1/1000th of what is in the body. Therefore you need to get the dosage absolutely right. Cold nights will be particularly uncomfortable and you might need to increase the level of medication. You have to monitor the progress of the animal even as you administer the treatment program.

3. Expanding the options for your dog: The branding process has meant that there is plenty for you to get your teeth into. Do not just walk into the shop and get the nearest item. Instead you should consult with the family vet in order to ensure that you are getting the right product for the right condition. Word of mouth is not really an ideal way to handle this issue. Of course you also need to watch out for adverse reactions since the pet may well be allergic to the treatment program which you are proposing. These are simple measures that you can work with in order to avoid the serious problems that are associated with a sick pet. As for the issue of effectiveness, this supplement has been deemed to be effective (albeit on anecdotal evidence).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Discus Fish - Disease and Their Risks

Native from the Amazon and effectively bred across the world in aquariums, discus aren't as fragile or delicate as you might think. Nevertheless, all breeders need to be conscious of all the dangers of discus fish disease, as they're frequently subject to numerous health issues due to improper care and environment. Breeders the are most cause of discus fish illnesses, this does not imply we're pointing the finger, this is just a reality. Improper treatment, bad or inadequate tank conditions, co-inhabitant's with inappropriate breeds are generally the factor for a discus fish disease.

Probably the most typical discus disease would be the ones that most freshwater fish are prone to having. For example the ammonia poisoning is a discus fish illness that is due to an improper nitrogen cycle inside your aquarium. Do not add tropical fish till the ammonia is removed from the water, perhaps filters do not perform correctly?. To be able to avoid this particular disease, replace the water frequently and steer clear of over-crowding the tank. The signs and symptoms of this disease consist of red and swollen gills and also the fish remaining in the water are at the surface gasping for air.

An additional discus disease that comes from bad water quality will be the Itch or better known as white spot characterised through the little white spots around the physique and fins of the fish. The very best method to battle this is by increasing the temperature in the tank and administrating medicine. Prior to adding the medicine for this kind of discus disease, remove the carbon filter as this might soak up all of the helpful medication. If you want other species of fish in the tank, make certain you set up a quarantine aquarium enabling you to stop any disease entering the tank.

In the event the water temperature isn't suitable you will expose your fish to an additional disease like oxygen starvation. A greater water temperature also demands an elevated degree of oxygen within the water. Consequently, you are able to effortlessly fix this by simple aeration of the water, speeding up the flow through the filters. You might wish to turn off the tank light from time to time, as this also leads to temperature to rising and thus exposes the fish to less oxygen. All in all, maintain the correct temperature for your discus fish, which is 31 degrees Celsius at the absolute maximum.