Friday, October 21, 2011

GPS Pet Tracker Explained

There are new technologies, a dog tracking system, the use of simple, but not only provides affordable. This makes it easier to keep track of each dog from a puppy to be at any time, day and night. It relieves stress of hunting for a lost pet.

The device uses a global positioning system (GPS) chip, which is small and easy on the dog's collar. It serves as a transmitter. GPS navigation devices are used most commonly used worldwide.

The GPS transmitter is lightweight and easy on the collar of a dog and is easy to use. It works as a communication device that uses satellites to the interaction of the world. Satellites to communicate to the receiver of information on their location and contact information. These data, the receiver can pin point an exact location and state that the communication was sent here on Earth. The same GPS technology that the group U. S. The air used since 1995.

After the receiver, the data sent by the chip, and it results in the distance and position of the satellite. And "therefore able to determine exactly where the location of the chip is implanted, is that the signal is sent. To make this device very well in the search for a lost pet.

A tracking system to give dog owners peace of mind to know in a few minutes, the exact location of the lost pet. Automatically, when a dog goes from there to the security zone set, a warning to the owner at his position. If you have lost a dog to get hit the most obvious on the neighboring property owners and the surrounding area in search of their dogs. The GPS will ensure that you find in a few minutes with a pet and once again safe and sound.

The owner of a dog, followed by a computer or cell phone use to access the system and immediately identify their pet at any time of day or night. If an owner decides who can do a "security zone" that the distance from the animal before the owner may limit alarms. Once the security zone has been violated a notification is sent to the owner. Once the alert by the owners of dog tracking devices are the logs into the system and recover the animal situation.

This device is very easy to configure and use. The dog's owner has the option either to install their product, or have the option of a professional to come home and easily through the process. It only takes a few minutes until the chips to stick to the dog collar and put the safety zone, if desired.

Once completed, the owner of the facility is to have immediate access to the Internet or on mobile phones 24 hours a day to see where their dog is. There will never be the concerns of the hunting area for a lost dog. The owners always have a peace of mind that their pet loved one is happy and healthy with the use of a tracking dog.

Dog Vomiting: Causes and Treatment

Dog Vomiting is a natural behavior of a dog. All dogs do and some do often, and for a number of reasons.

So before taking the car keys to take the dog to the vet to stop for a moment! In most cases there is no reason to worry. Vomiting is a natural way to remove unwanted substances, dogs of the body.

Of course, I'm not saying they ignore it completely, because sometimes vomiting suggests a more serious problem. But you need the dog to look for other symptoms, including diarrhea, loss of appetite and general lethargy.

If you notice these symptoms, it is time to visit the vet, more likely, is not too concerned.

Here are some reasons why a dog may take;

Eating too fast - Many dogs are prone weave down her food, take a throwback to the days where they could be attacked during the meal. Power 3-4 small meals instead of large meals can solve the problem and is even against the wind, to protect a potentialy fatal condition.

Consumption of grass - Nobody really knows why dogs eat grass, but many of them seem to love it. Some experts believe that they eat grass to induce vomiting, while others say that eating grass makes too sick. In both cases, often take a dog to eat grass.

Eat the wrong things - dogs, junk food and food scraps, and dogs that can make a habit of plundering the garbage to be fed, are always likely to vomit. A healthy diet and prevent access to the trash will sort immediately.

When should I be worried?

Although vomiting is usually nothing to fear, should not be ignored. The first thing to be vigilant so that they should, it is the frequency. From time to time is not a problem, once or twice a day, won a veterinary inspection.

Even for the symptoms that I mentioned earlier, lethargy, anorexia and diarrhea and other symptoms, such as blood in vomit or unusual colors to attract attention. In these cases, get the dog to the vet immediately.

Vomiting can also be a more serious cause, for example, the dog may have eaten a poison for the home, as a pesticide, or a poisonous plant. If you think this is the case, then its immediate veterinary treatment prescribed.

How do you take your dog for the Prevention Up

If you have a dog that sheds a regular basis, there are a number of healthy activities that was created to reduce it.

Start feeding your dog a healthy diet. Cut all food scraps and junk food and make sure that your dog does not fit into the trash. Smallest power suppliment dog food more often and add fiber, while the dog is less likely to eat the grass.

These measures should be sufficient to reduce the dog vomiting, but otherwise you should consult your veterinarian.

Animals and air filter

Pet owners face significant challenges in maintaining good indoor air quality for human and animal inhabitants of the house. Just as people can be allergic to the hair and pet dander, the opposite may be true. Pets are particularly vulnerable to poor indoor air quality by pollutants from paints, carpets, insulation and building materials has caused.

Reducing symptoms of allergies to animals

Where animal allergies are concerned, the logic was to eliminate the causes of allergens. Telling pet owners to remove the animals from the house of a loved one is like telling them to give their children. This is not an option. There are measures to reduce the symptoms of pet allergies.

Identify areas of animal life

Animals must be given one or two rooms in which to live. In any case, the animal should be allowed in the bedrooms of allergy sufferers. The room in which a person spends more time at home, so it is important for the quality of air inside the room can be as free of animal allergens.

Frequent cleaning of surfaces

Quality of indoor air can be frequent dusting, vacuuming and cleaning products with the deposition of particles to be improved from the house, such as money laundering or reject the pads can be removed. Vacuum bags should be changed frequently. Fabrics, curtains, blankets, carpets should wash frequently and shake out to remove hair and pet dander.

Regularly change the air filters

Home heating and central air conditioning systems should periodically review the effectiveness and the site includes regularly changing the air filter must be maintained. If animals are present, the air filters should be changed more often than suggested. High-quality filters to use. These quality filters prevent the folded section, the return of pet allergens and pollutants in the other rooms and odor control animal.

Choosing the right type of air filters

Indoor air quality significantly with the addition of air filters of high quality in all rooms and allergies to pets can be improved by visiting installed. Shop for the best designs at prices that fit your budget. There are air filters that are designed specifically for dogs, cats and birds.

Humans, dogs and cats shed their fur or hair, and produce a lot of hair (dead cells). These are the most common causes of allergies, especially asthmatics. The installation of a high quality air filter improves the quality of indoor air. Quality of filters to remove suspended particles. The higher the better, you can treat the air filter for fine particles. The saliva of dogs and cats are the source of the airborne particles that cause allergic reactions. The choice of high quality filters to treat the molecules exposed to the saliva also significantly improved air quality in interior spaces.

Domestic birds is a challenge because of how their feathers block. Pet hair is like a cloud of fine dust particles are released when they shake their feathers. Air filters are available for the treatment of these fine particles.

Managing the quality of indoor air

Air quality depends regularly change air filters. Quality filters remove fine particles of pollutants, saliva, hair and hair. Regular washing of fabrics as well as dusting and vacuuming reduces large amounts of allergens to be resolved. Regular brushing and care of animals also reduces particulate matter. Animals and air filters are a must for a harmonious coexistence with allergies.

Love your pet turtle

Many people have a strong tendency for channels of animals, Animal Planet to watch National Geographic and Discovery Channel. Make and present a very good and instructive episodes, stories and news on almost all types of animals are those turtles. These products show the public that animals are interesting and fun, if you like. One way or another, turtles are a popular choice today as an animal and easy to clean below the average for many homes already.

Caring for your pet turtle is like a dog or cat. You need to provide their biological needs such as housing, food, water, etc.. At the same time, we must not neglect, but they feel loved and cared for. The turtles are easier to maintain and lower maintenance costs traditional animals such as dogs and cats. Note that for a good preparation and budget and to consider before purchasing officer and possession of a turtle, where they have a lifestyle of living safe, comfortable and guaranteed healthy with you.

One way to gain valuable information and tips for taking care of your pet turtle television. This form of media was by far the most influential and most affordable way to send messages to the public. Channels, the main feature animals such as Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet show, and so on, and introduce documentary and educational stories that lead to open people's minds do to help, and showing due consideration for animals.

Increasingly are becoming more educated and involved in the distribution of messages to save turtles. Some of their species are already extinct, while some in danger of losing their natural habitat. Although it is illegal, a turtle that size is not likely to keep at home to buy small turtles and other values ​​in the limit is, everything is in order. To keep a pet turtle in the design, you can have one or two things from these experts that specialize in turtles and people who have experience in the breeding of turtles in learning. This way you can increase your knowledge on the care of your pet turtle.

Turtles may seem hard on the outside of the outer shell, but it could also one of the most delicate creatures you might encounter. Feed her good heart is the surest way to make you happy as well. It's always best to be prepared and well equipped in the process of care for your pet turtle.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Breeding and Color Varieties Of Bearded Dragon Selective

Sandfire Bearded Dragons

Sandfire bearded dragons first appeared in the early 1990's. There one of the first genetically manipulated bearded dragons. They are selective bred from other bearded dragon that has most orange and red in their natural coloration. The name sandfire came from the sandfire dragon ranch where they were first produced by their owner Bob Mailloux. The sandfire dragons that are mostly a crimson and fire-red color are called sandfire reds, and those that are rich yellow and mustard golden are called sandfire golds.

Gold Dragons

Another color would be the gold dragon which first started in the 1990s. These are bred from dragons that have both red and golden hues. These dragons also may share some genetics with the sandfire dragons.


These dragons are sort of a mix between the great red coloring of the sandfire dragons and the bright gold coloring of the gold dragons. The head and jaws are bright yellow and there flanks are a crimson color, they are really something to look at. Some may even say that they appear to be radioactive, because they are so bright.


These are also known as ruby red. These are bred from dragons that have a lot of red in their coloring. These may appear as if there drenched in blood.

Just like with most selective breeding of reptiles, bearded dragons are sometimes targeted as projects themselves. What happens is if there are some bearded dragons that have some unique traits, say there large, they have really bright colors, or whatever the case may be, the end result is new bearded dragons with even more stronger of those listed traits. So let's say you have a couple of bearded dragons that have yellow around there jaws. Then you decide to breed them, the end result would be a set of bearded dragons that have even more yellow around there jaws, then their offspring would have more yellow, and so on until you would have a set that would show almost a full yellow body. While this may seem like an easy task it should really be left to a professional breeder. The reason you can't just breed brother and sister, is because every time you breed you run the risk of increasing defects and genetic deformities. There's a lot of risk involved and need to really know what you're doing in order to have success with this type of method. The rest of us can still, profit from the selective breeding projects of those experts in the form of new and stunning varieties of bearded dragon.

Pale Varieties

Not everybody seems to like these red, yellow, and golden animals. But that's ok since there's a wide selection of different color varieties to choose from. There is the leucistic dragon. This dragon is almost completely white. These are not albino but they look just like a ghost. There are true albino dragons that do exist, and also they have some that are called snow- dragons that are a similar all white coloration as the leucistic dragon.

German Giants

The German giants are bred from beardies that are larger in size and a have more of a sturdier bone structure. These types of beardies were imported to Germany in the 1980's and therefore adopted the name German Giants. To compare one of these to a standard sized dragon, a German giant is around 50 % heavier than regular dragons. Also the German giant female may lay around 65 eggs and a standard bearded dragon female may have around 25- 28 eggs. When first deciding what color variation to buy as a first time dragon purchase, I recommend buying a regular one bought at your local pet store. The reason is so that you may see if being a beardie keeper is your cup of tea, if not then selling one is a lot easier than it would be to buy a more rare color variation and try to sell it. Plus it's also a lot more expensive to buy one of these rare dragons.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Importance of Supplements Of Feeding Bearded Dragons

You can either "dust" your insects by putting them into a bag a with a pinch of the calcium and shaking lightly, or you can sprinkle some onto the vegetables.

Babies - Once a day

Juveniles - 4 to 5 times a week

Adults - 4 to 5 times a week

Multi-Vitamin Feeding

Multi-vitamins are used to ensure your pet is getting a well-rounded vitamin intake, in case the food you are providing is lacking. These vitamins also come in powder form, the same as calcium. It is to be added to either the crickets or the vegetables in the same fashion as described for the calcium supplement, but less frequently.

Babies - 3 to 4 times a week

Juveniles - 2 to 3 times a week

Adults - 1 or 2 times a week

It is important to note that both the multi-vitamin and calcium supplements should not be used in the same feeding. Certain vitamins within the multi-vitamin will bind to the calcium, rendering it useless to you lizard, as it will not be able to absorb into the bones.

When it comes to feeding bearded dragons, most know they are omnivores, thus requiring insects and veggies to fulfill their daily diet. However, many owners are unaware of the important role that vitamins play in their pet's health. Dragons need a steady dose of calcium and multi-vitamins to keep them as healthy and strong as possible for years to come.

Calcium Feeding

Calcium is the most vital vitamin to your beardie's health. It is calcium that is needed to keep their bones strong to prevent metabolic bone disease. This is also the reason we aim for high-calcium vegetables when feeding our lizards, and gut-loading our insects. It is also the reason we need to supply UV lighting.

Adding these vital nutrients when feeding bearded dragons might take a couple extra minutes, but will ensure you pet is getting the absolute best nutrition possible. Both the calcium and multi-vitamin supplements can be purchased for around $5 - $7 each, and last quite a long time due to a very little going a long way. My jars usually last close to a year, so the added cost is minimal. You can find these supplements at most pet supply stores, or you can order them online. You will probably find a better price online, but beware of overpriced shipping costs, which will make the overall price more than the stores charge.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Pet Iguana Of Owning

They can grow at a rate of two inches per month. Now, it is not that common to find a six-foot iguana but it's great to know that they have the potential. Iguanas can also weight up to 15 pounds. Have you ever seen an overweight cat? That's how much an overweight cat can weigh. Again, this is the max and this is the potential; not all iguanas end up weighing this much. If your iguana is growing unusually fast, it could be because of its diet. If you are not feeding your iguana the right foods, like protein rich foods for example, it'll grow to fast, catch a kidney failure and die. Make sure you feed them the right greens and leaves because iguanas are herbivores. Sometimes if the iguana is not receiving the right amount of calcium, its back legs can stop working.

Make sure you buy a large cage for your iguana. It won't stunt their growth but it won't be comfortable for them at all if they are in a small cage. They'll be stressed out and more prone to sickness. If you currently do have small cage for your iguana, take it out from time to time so it could move around and stretch.

Owning a pet iguana can be really fun and interesting. They are not like your typical pet and they are exotic reptiles. Young iguanas come in bright colors and they are small and cute. Since iguanas are readily available in practically all pet stores and they are relatively cheap, many individuals do consider owning a pet iguana. There are plenty of popular topics you should read through if you are considering buying a new pet iguana.

Size Potential of Iguanas and Cage Size
Baby iguanas are cute and small but iguanas actually have great potential for growth. Green iguanas, the most popular type of pet iguanas, actually can grow to be around five to six feet long from the snout to the end of their tail. That's pretty long considering that baby iguanas are usually only around seven to ten inches long.

If Something Happens to the Tail, Nails or Toes
Iguana tails can grow back over the course of a year. If it breaks off somewhere closer to the body, then the tail might be shorter than it was before. It probably won't be the same color either but iguana tails do grow back. Just because an iguana's tail may be short, doesn't mean it's young because their tails are always breaking off and growing. These are the only things that grow back though. If the toenails or toes break off, then they won't grow back. The good news is that the iguana is still able to live and fully function without its toes and nails.

Iguana Breeding Season!
The iguana's mating season is during the late wintertime. By the time it's early spring, the eggs are ready to be laid. If you have a female iguana, you'll notice that it she has a more lumpy body around this time if it is getting ready to lay its eggs. If you get some new baby iguanas, you can either keep them or sell them!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Buying an Iguana Online Of Quick Guideline

Where to Shop
There are plenty of pet classifies available online. There are online pet stores. There are also physical pet stores with online websites. For example, you can look through the sites of national pet chains like Petco. You don't have to purchase an iguana from your local pet store if you're looking for variety. The World Wide Web is huge and your options are endless when it comes down to shopping online.

Questions You Must Ask
Though there are a large variety of iguanas in the world, green iguanas are typically the best type to purchase as pets. All green iguanas are typically the same but there are other reasons besides, 'where' you've purchased the pet that play into knowing if the price is right. You've got to be sure that you are purchasing from a trustworthy site. Is the iguana healthy? Is the iguana coming from a decent home? Does the creature have any markings or scratches on its skin? Will your purchase also include a kit, a cage or other care-related materials? Do you want a baby iguana or an adult iguana? These questions are amongst many questions that you must ask the online pet seller before purchasing the iguana. You should also make sure they have a pretty good return policy and customer service. If you run into any problems with your iguana, it shouldn't be difficult for you to either return it or receive help from their customer service line.

You're probably inquiring on how you could buy an iguana online. Where should you begin? Keep on reading and you'll find some useful facts and information that will help you prepare for buying an iguana online. If you're looking for a common breed or a rare breed, you can find it online. Online iguana shopping is usually popular amongst individuals who are looking for a rare breed because they might have a difficult time in finding it in their local pet store.

There are plenty of websites online that claim they sell iguanas. First, you must make sure you're purchasing a real iguana and not a toy iguana. This may seem like a small and simple tip but there's nothing worse than purchasing an iguana, receiving it, and realizing it's not even real! Once you've discovered a website that actually sells real iguanas, feel free to look for more websites so that you may compare the prices.

Is Shipping Safe?

Some individuals ask, is it safe to buy an iguana online? Like many other animals, iguanas can be shipped by air. Sometimes it depends on the airline but for the most part, iguanas can be safely shipped to a new location. These animals are typically shipped overnight because they must stay alive in the enclosing box that they're shipped in.

When you are looking to purchase an iguana online, always be alert for any sales. This is the best way to save money and get great deals, especially if you end up buying a rare breed. As long as you've done enough research and you've made a well thought out decision, you'll make a wonderful pick and have a new pet in no time!

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Right Of Iguana Price

Let's Talk Numbers
Iguanas can be purchased for less than $20.00. That is very affordable! There are so many iguanas available out there and the demand is low. As long as the demand is low and the supply is high, the price will remain to be as low as it is. There are also plenty of unlicensed folks out there who sell iguanas for extremely low prices. They shouldn't be selling these iguanas because it is illegal to sell an exotic animal without a license, but they also have an effect on the market and the price. When you buy an iguana, you've got to make several other purchases. You've got to by a large cage. Iguanas are exotic animals from rainforest areas. They love large areas and they love to climb. A large cage can cost at least $200. You've also got to put UVB lights in the cage. You need to purchases dishes for food and water. You also have to purchase a litter box so that the cage can stay clean. All of those items can cost up to $50 altogether. You probably don't want to place your iguana cage right next to an outlet so you might need to purchase an extension cord if you don't already have one.

Iguanas are so cheap because most stores pay pennies for them. You've got to know what the right iguana price is so that you can make a smart purchase. Iguanas are shipped by the dozens or by the hundreds to pet stores. Don't let the cheap price fool you though. Most of the time when pet stores receive such large amounts of iguanas, they are not able to give them enough attention for care. Iguanas are reptiles that need the right conditions for living. They need things like UVB lights, the right types of food, space and heat. The iguana price is not just made of the initial price; it is the total price of taking care of the iguana that tends to surprise people. It's crazy how most pet stores don't even sell the right items for taking care of the iguana. Sometimes they might give you pre-packaged foods. Iguanas can't eat those things. Iguanas are herbivores and need natural greens like collard greens and mustard greens. They are not like dogs that can eat dry and wet dog food.

Since you need to provide a little bit of extra light for the iguana, it's going to cost you in your electricity bill. The iguana also needs to eat. You can't just buy any food though. Since iguanas are vegetarians you need to buy fresh greens for them. All of this can add up to somewhere around and added $50 to $100 per month. Unfortunately, iguanas carry the disease salmonella because they love to lick everything in sight. Make sure you have enough money for vet office visits.

It probably would make more sense if iguanas were sold for over $100 in stores. This way, people would think twice before purchasing them. They would probably do more research instead of purchasing them on instinct. If people were more prepared, then most iguanas would begin to actually live fully for over twenty years instead of three years or twelve to fifteen.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Iguana As a Pet Of Owning

General Iguana Care Tips

Iguanas are cold-blooded animals and they love heat. When they are living out on their own, they absorb heat from the sun. When they are cooped up in someone's home as a pet, they need a nice amount of sunlight and artificial heat. You've got to mimic the natural habitat of iguanas as well as you can with the cage. You can't just use any heating lamp though; you've got to purchase a 'vitalight' or a grow light. These lights provide heat and vitamin D so that the iguana does not undergo physical misery. If your iguana is living in a tank, you should also purchase an under tank heater so that the tank can maintain its heat. During the evenings, it would be best to use a nightlight. Keep your iguana clean by bathing it simply with water. Also, remain consistent in cleaning the cage or tank.

In addition to heat, iguanas need food to survive. They love all fruits and vegetables, but in order to stay healthy, they can't just any fruit or vegetable. You can provide them with food like squash, collard greens, beet greens, crumbled egg whites, dandelion green, hibiscus flowers and mustard greens. For fruits, oranges, watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupes are great options. If you've got a picky iguana, blend the food in a food processor. This way, the iguana will get all of its nutrients and not just pick its favorite foods.

Most people don't believe this, but iguanas are actually one of the best pets to have. They are initially affordable and as long as you've got the right housing, heating, lighting, feeding and basic care requirements covered, it should be a breeze. They are great pets because they can live for up to 25 years. They are cute, small and you don't have to walk them!

Why would someone want a pet iguana? Though iguanas are not cats or dogs, they still need love. You can't just stick an iguana in a cage and call it a day. You must pay attention to them, be patient with them so that they can become tame since they are naturally wild animals, and you should have enough money to take care of them. As stated before, iguanas are initially affordable, but because they live for a long time and you must be prepared to be able to consistently provide food and vet visitations for them. If you've got a busy life and schedule, it may not be a great idea to get a pet iguana. They need routine in their lives. You've got to set up regular times for feeding them, cleaning their cages and playing with them. All in all, these small wild lizards are just like any other pet. If you're looking for a pet to take care for a long time, you should definitely look into getting a new iguana as a pet.

Iguanas are fun animals and as long as you're supplied with the right amount of information, you'll be able to take care of your iguana without any problems. If you are looking for more information on taking care of iguanas, continue to search online and you'll soon become and iguana expert!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

About Of Flea Extermination

We will briefly discuss some of the methods on how to get rid of fleas.

Pet Flea Control

You should be able to check your pets from time to time to see if they carry fleas. A usual hiding place is behind the ears of your pet. Fleas usually have a four stage life cycle and it is vitally important to address all these areas. Many people falsely believe that more is better when it comes to using chemicals and treatments for flea extermination but this is not the case.

A flea bath or shampoo is usually a good start for pets with a large number of visible fleas on its body. However this only offers a temporary measure and the fleas can be back within a few days so it's not intended for lasting control for fleas.

Flea dip is a stronger way to help getting rid of fleas on your pets and it also can attack any mites and ticks on the animal's body too. Dips last approximately 1-2 weeks and is effective for adult fleas. Spot on treatments are similar but typically last around a month as they prevent larvae from emerging from the flea egg.

Flea collars are collars which you fit around the neck of your pet and they produce a toxic gas which is poisonous only to fleas. The collars can also be placed inside vacuum bags to further kill any fleas when you vacuum your house. Again, these are effective for adult fleas.

There is also oral flea medication which pets can take and these work by stopping the larvae from emerging from the flea egg. There is also an injectable medication specifically for cats. These treatments will not actually kill adult fleas but they can help stop the life cycle of the flea when used in tandem with other treatments.

Flea extermination has become big business in recent times as many people now have pets in their homes and fleas usually live and grow within the warm and moist animal hairs on the body of a dog or cat for example. When you let your pet run around outside you can be quite sure that your home will be infested with fleas and it's not that easy to get rid of them.

It should be noted however that only about 10% of the fleas are on your pet. The other 90% which make up the flea eggs, larvae and pupa and a few of the adult fleas will live in you carpets, bedding and living areas so you must address these areas in your attempt at flea extermination.

Flea Bomb / Flea Fogger

Flea bomb or flea fogger is a more efficient way of addressing the problem and will kill fleas and the larvae stage of the flea life cycle. You will have to remove your pets and put all food and plates away and leave the house for around two hours. After this you will need to wipe down all food surfaces.

You will kill most of the fleas but not all of them but it is one of the more effective methods. You should be aware that, however, flea bombs can leave a slight residue and smell in your home so you need to keep your windows open for a while.

Professional Flea Treatment & Extermination

Many people prefer to call in the professionals for their flea problem as they usually have the knowledge and equipment to stop the problem. They will usually do the job within a couple of hours and be able to reach and check those areas which you may have missed.

Before calling in a professional flea exterminator, you should thoroughly vacuum and clean the carpets. You can sprinkle Borax on the carpets after you've finished which will help to dry out the fleas. You can also sprinkle some borax in your front and back yard especially around the entry points of where your pets may enter the house.

It's also important to ensure that your pet's bedding areas are washed in hot water. Once the professional treatment is complete, you should not vacuum or clean your floors for several days.

Flea Infestation Rate

In a recent study, it was found that flea infestation on dogs were long term problem except in the months of February and March. Not surprisingly, the highest infestation rates were observed in the summer and autumn months, whereas the winter had the lowest rates.

There are many ways to address the flea extermination problem and some I've highlighted above. If you feel however that you are fighting a losing battle with the fleas on your pet and subsequently in your home, then it would be advisable to seek a professional to do the job for you.

In most cases, this will put a stop to your flea problem becoming worse. You should try to maintain a program of cleaning and maintenance in your home and with your pets to reduce the chances of the flea problem from rearing its ugly head again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Creating the Perfect Finches Nest

When creating a finches nest is very important to know what will benefit the birds in terms of size and materials. Creating it can be easy and affordable; you've just got to know how. Remember that for a finch building a nest is about safety and shelter.

You can purchase pre-made nests from most retailers, and also on the internet. Some are boxes made out of wood while others are more like circular baskets; they are made of natural materials hand woven. They are popular because they look like what you would see outside.

You can get nests which go on the inside of the cage but to save space it is advised to purchase one that can be attached to the outside and where the top can be opened. This'll guarantee that the young ones are safe and secure after hatching and also means it can be cleaned and air dried. It'll be cleaner and more reusable in the future, cleaning also prevents disease.

They are originally tropical birds so you might consider a 'finch nest box'. It is wooden with a hole on one side which allows enough air in but keeps the adults and young finches warm at night.

A double finch nest is good for saving space. It is a box but with a partition dividing it. Remember though, not to give this kind of nest to two territorial finches.

You can recreate how a finches nest is in the wild by finding a tray and filling it with soil and grass seeds. Wait for them to grow, let the finches build their nest and put it in the cage.

When it comes to materials for the finches nest you can use things collected from home or purchased. By instinct a finch will collect anything when building the interior of its nest so make sure the materials are clean, safe and natural. Synthetics are bad for the health of your finch. Also make sure, if you're using string or threat to cut it into small pieces with no unwanted excess, so they won't get tangled up in it.

Make the finches nest sturdy enough on the outside but soft enough on the inside. They like to line their nests with feathers so it's worthwhile having a good supply available. Feathers of various types can be purchased at affordable prices online and also from pet stores.

All finches have their own unique personalities and this will come through in how they build their nests. Each new nest may be slightly different than the last.

Remember to avoid constant handling of their eggs. They are made with tiny pores that allow the chick enough air. By touching the eggs too much you are cutting down the finches air supply quite a lot which will be bad for their health.

Building your finches nest is easy and affordable. It is possible to create a happy, healthy environment for them, you've just got to know the best materials to use, the one's to avoid, and what will keep your finches happy.

Animal Communication and Healing - Talking With Horses

As the concept of animal communication becomes more universally accepted it can bring extra insight and help toward understanding behavioural problems. This may make a difference if an animal is considered to be out of control, or is displaying signs of stress or discomfort for no apparent reason, and the owner is considering parting with it. Coupled with hands-on healing, communication is very useful as a complementary tool as it can bring to light problems that are not easily noticeable. However, it must always be considered complementary and it can never replace veterinary care.

Whilst studying animal care I was invited to a riding stable to see a small pony, and a large mare, both young animals that were not behaving well despite having had several vet checks, and also having had help from an animal communicator. The small pony had not given any idea as to why she was naughty and seemed to enjoy her misbehaviour. When I started the hands-on healing, to my surprise (and also to the surprise of her owners) she relaxed completely, almost to the point of going to sleep, she behaved very well, obviously enjoyed it, and went off happily. We were no wiser except to conclude that she was young, liked being naughty and would need a lot of training. The large mare, Betty, was very different, according to the communicator she was aware that her owners had talked of getting rid of her, she was very frightened about this but, nevertheless, when being ridden after a short while she would rear up and throw the rider off. She had received many veterinary checks, and also had checks on her spine and there didn't seem to be a valid reason for this. She was quite relaxed whilst I moved along her right side and came round to the front, in fact she was friendly. As I moved round to her left side she became more tense, and as soon as my hands went past her shoulder, her head came round and she pushed me firmly away.This was repeated in front of her owners who said " We really have done our best and nothing can be found to be wrong." Eventually it was decided that as she was only young, and of good stock, she would go to a breeding stable to see if she could be a brood mare in due course; her behaviour was only difficult when she was being ridden. At that stable she was given a complete body scan, and was found to have an ovarian cyst which was affecting her left side, once dealt with she became much happier and confident and now enjoys life. Whilst the healing and communication could not solve the problem it was able to show that the horse was genuinely frightened, and had a good reason for her apparently dangerous behaviour.

The concept also works the opposite way in which the animal itself instigates the communication. I was given a very good example of this when having a telephone discussion with a friend about a horse she planned to buy. As she explained to me that a veterinary check had taken place, and that a problem with one leg had shown up on an Xray, and this problem would need looking at and would cost more money, I had the image of a horse's head come into my mind and the distinct feeling that they should not waste their money. I could 'see' the horse clearly in my mind and was able to describe it, and it appeared to be the horse my friend was talking about. We were both amused by this occurence but wondered if she should go ahead with the purchase, was this the 'message' that was coming across? She referred the Xray back to the vet that had taken it, and he said " that is just a shadow on the Xray, is nobody capable of reading an Xray properly?" The horse's leg was fine and the purchase was made, we could not explain how the horse had managed to join in our conversation, but she is a very sensitive animal may be as we were concentrating so hard on her we made a connection.

There are different ways that people use to make the connection with animals, I personally think that anyone that is a genuine animal lover would be able to do it, and also anyone that is a genuine healer. In the UK a prominent animal communicator is developing a system he calls 'The Trust Technique' and he is using it with wild animals as well as domesticated ones. Another very experienced horse owner is using E.F.T.(Emotional Freedom Technique) to great effect. This is a therapy that uses tapping with the finger on meridian points around the body, a bit like the concept of acupuncture but without needles. As an E.F.T. practitioner she used the technique on herself when she had experienced a serious fall, and was very wary about getting on a horse again; and as the technique had worked for her she used it on the horse as well. Since that time she has helped many people, and animals, sometimes from a distance using photographs.These are her words " Horses, more than many domestic animals, are just big emotions on legs. They FEEL everything, and some of the emotions that appeared to me whilst tapping, surprised me with their complexity."

As our knowledge about the working of the mind, human and animal, grows and expands, I believe that we will accept that many of our pets, and animals that we are connected with, blend with our energy systems, and we with theirs benefiting human and animal alike.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Do Cats See In Color Or Black And White?

For years the general consensus was that cats saw the world in black and white, and did not have the ability to perceive color. Recent research has shown evidence that suggests that cats may have a great deal of color vision after all. It's now believed that cats can see different shades of the colors blue and green, but that other colors are not all perceived as we see them. Cats only have two types of cones (photoreceptor cells) in the retina of the eye that are responsible for color vision. There are three types of cones, and cats are missing the cones that correspond to the color red. Humans have all three, allowing us to perceive more color and intensity of color. It's believed that cats have a limited ability to distinguish the difference between reds and greens at all - which is actually a form of color blindness also found in humans.

To answer the question simply - no, cats do not see only in black and white, but they do appear to suffer from a form of color-blindness.

While humans definitely have cats beat in terms of looking at a sunset, their vision in other areas is vastly superior to ours. While they have less cones in their eyes, they have more rods - making their eyes more suitable for perceiving motion than color, and more suitable for seeing at night. Cats are hunters by nature, and their visual skill set provides excellent tools for that. Cats can detect the most minute motions far away, and hone in on them in a way we couldn't even hope to do.

Cats also have fantastic night vision, due to their eyes ability to control brightness to their advantage, needing very little light to see. A cat needs only one sixth of the amount of light a human needs to see. This is achieved as cats have what is called a tapetum lucidum within their eye. The tapetum lucidum (which means "bright tapestry" in Latin) lies just behind, or sometimes within the retina and reflects light that passes through the retina back into the eye, giving that cat a vastly increased ability to see in very dim light. It's this tapetum reflecting light back that sometimes causes a cat's eyes to appear to glow in the dark.

The cat's night vision is also improved by their very large pupils. Cats have slit pupils, instead of the round pupils humans have. This elliptical design serves to protect the cat's eye from too much light, as cats are not 100% nocturnal like most other creatures with very large pupils. The slit shape allows the pupils to dilate and contract more drastically and quickly than a round pupil can, to adjust to different extremes in amounts of light in the environment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Ultimate Way To Move Your Prized Fish Tank Safely

Tanks typically are very heavy and fragile which means tremendous care and attention will have to be used when trying to move around them. Though it is true far more care is called for whenever you are relocating a tank from a single house hold to another almost the same amount is without question appropriate as you are simply just transporting an aquarium from one room in your home to another.

Step one with transporting a fish tank is to gently move your fish straight into a different holder so that they don't get harmed. Take some of the water from the tank and pour it into a plastic container into which you may add the animals. Keep your fish at a reasonable ambient temperature and quite dimly lit in order that they do not get anxious.

If your animals are safe it is time to undertake the next step which involves removing the same amount water as feasible. Surprisingly on a brief drive water might lead to problems as it is heavy and can make the home or automobile wet. You'll want to preserve the existing water so it may be put spine into any aquarium when you are set-up once more.

Electronic apparatus needs to be turned off and stripped away from the aquarium tank. Fish tank heating elements should be able to cool-down well before they are taken off or you may take a chance on inducing problems for yourself. Internal filters should be removed and put into some existing water from the tank to keep them in good shape while outside filter systems can merely have their tubes removed.

In advance of when you relocate the actual tank itself you'll want to delicately evaluate the direction you will likely be going with. If you are moving it within any household then ensure ones walkway is clear of what you may could trip over. In case you are moving around it to a fresh household then give consideration to covering ones tank for your fish with some thick items in order to prevent damage.

Unless you personally own a small tank it is prudent to have support with regard to carrying the tank. Several individuals can take more care over the action and be certain that no wear and tear is done to you or the fish tank. Make sure to always maintain a vertical back and carry it as near to your own body as you can.

You should have a place equipped to put ones tank down when you get to ones destination and then you certainly can begin putting it back together. Refill the tank with the treated water you collected and attach all the electrically powered tank supplies you employ. This will begin to clean the treated water and heat it up ready for any fish. As soon as the water is ready be certain to be safe to change the aquarium inhabitants having efficiently transferred any fish tank.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

How to Groom a Kitten

While naturally mother cats take care of their kittens and teach them grooming, keeping your kitten extremely clean is important for its health and well-being. Before they grow and learn how to independently groom themselves properly, you can wash your kitten from the age of 12 weeks. It is especially important to groom kittens daily, because often their coat is of a cottony texture that tangles very easily. The kitten will quickly become accustomed to being combed and brushed. So, when you introduce a bath, it will not be difficult. Remember that most cats hate water with an exception of Turkish Van and Bengal breeds.

Like babies, kitties need lots of love and patience especially when being introduced to new things. When introducing it to a bathe, hold it against your body and move it slowly to ensure that it earns your trust, as some kittens get startled at the sound of running water. You need to talk to the kitten constantly as you dip her into the bathing tub.

Cleaning Items
• A soft cloth
• Warm water
• A soft towel
• Rubber mat to prevent kitten from slipping
• Pet shampoo/baby shampoo
• Lots of warmth and affection.
Washing procedure
• Half fill the sink or bath tub with warm water and insert the rubber mat.
• Wrap a towel around yourself to avoid soaking wet.
• Hold the front feet of the kitten with one hand and gently lower the body into the water with the other hand. Let the front feet stand on the edges of the tub to make the kitten feel more secure and more in control.
• Shampoo the soft towel and start cleaning from the back, following the direction of the fur.
• Move on to the tail, hind legs, front legs, neck and then the tummy.
• Remember to constantly talk to the kitten as you wash it to keep it calm. If it is scared, hold it in your towel for reassurance and comfort.
• Once rinsed, remove it from the water and hold it in a soft towel to blot out excess water.
• While doing this, hold and talk to the kitten to calm it down and to earn a lot of trust as possible.

• Make sure that the water that you use is close to the kitten's body temperature.
• Confine the kitten to a certain place to dry off.
• Kittens only require full baths if they are especially dirty or have fleas. Always use a pet shampoo for this.
• Spot-cleaning works well for them. Daily cleaning of their behinds will help keep your kitten happier, healthier and keep odors away.
• Remember not to give your kitten too many baths. The water will dry out his skin and his fur! Once every two weeks is perfect practice!
• If kitten shampoo is a little out of your price range, Johnson's head-to-toe baby wash works great and leaves her smelling nice longer. It is also very gentle on her skin and is tear-free!
• You can wash the kitty's face with a damp cloth.
• Front paws and bib area, may be rubbed gently with cornstarch to absorb the stain, and then brushed off.
• A paste of cornstarch and peroxide can be used to clean urine stains under the tail and stubborn stains.
• If you get scratches in the process, quickly use a disinfectant to clean the area thoroughly and bandage them. Check the scratches frequently for any signs of infections.
• Bathing kittens pose serious health risks to kittens since they are not able to raise their temperature very fast after the fur has been soaked wet.
• Never get soap into the kitty's face, if it does quickly wash it. Consult a vet if the irritation persists.

Bathing a kitten can be fun and enjoyable when well planned. It controls pet dander and also lessens the risk of hair balls, which can form in the kitty's stomach and intestines if it swallows hair when licking itself.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Best Tank Setup For Your Betta

When it comes to betta tank setup, size does matter. While most bettas can survive in very small containers, they will live long, quality lives only when placed in tanks no smaller than a gallon or two. Bettas have an organ called the "labyrinth", which allows them to breathe oxygen as humans do, and also allows them to survive outside water for longer periods of time. However, this does not give you the excuse to house your betta in a small jar. Actually, I find no problem with bettas being kept in small jars since most betta breeders in Thailand and other parts of Asia practice this with much success. The problem is if you cannot find the time to change the water of your betta's jar on a regular basis. Unlike with other aquarium fish, betta fish's water should be replaced at a more frequent basis if their long and flowy fins are to remain beautiful and vibrant. Therefore, if you want to choose the best tank setup for your betta, you should consider these essential things:

1.) Tank Size - Again, tank size matters. However, if you can't provide a tank larger than 5 gallons for your betta, you should be prepared to perform water changes every 3-5 days.

2.) Filtration - Bettas that are kept in tanks below 2.5 gallons can live without filtration. However, full water changes every 2-3 days are a requirement. If you house your bettas on tanks 5 gallons and up, you should get a filtration system since it is more difficult to perform full water changes on larger tanks.

3.) Heater - If you live in Asia like me, heaters are not necessary. However, if you live in countries that experience cold seasons, you definitely need a heater for your betta. Ideal temperature for a betta's water is between 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit. If you keep your fish in tanks smaller than 5 gallons, it would be ideal to get a small heater as regular sized heaters can heat up smaller tanks fast. Or, keep your tank in a warm room.

4.) Massive Water Changes - To give you an idea on how frequent you should change your betta's water, refer below:

Tank Size and Frequency of Water Change

Below 2.5 gallons--------------------------------------Every 2-3 days (100% water change)
2.5 to 5 gallons (Filtered/Unfiltered)-----------------Every 3-5 days (100% water change)
5 gallons and up (Filtered)-----------------------------Twice a month with 25% water changes once a week

5.) Accessories - I personally do not recommend adding accessories to tanks if you are keeping bettas with long and flowy fins such as halfmoons and crowntails. However, if you wish add accessories such as live or plastic plants, make sure they do not have very sharp or pointed edges that might tear your betta's fins. Like most breeders, I keep my 2.5 gallon betta tanks bare, with no pebbles (substrate), no plants, and no accessories whatsoever. The reason is that these accessories make tank cleaning very difficult. By leaving my tank bare, all I need to do when it's time to clean my betta's tank is siphon all the poop and dirt out and replace the water.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Role of Glucosamine and Its Effectiveness

As a pet owner it is your responsibility to ensure that your dog is well looked after. Because of its communication difficulties and the high pain threshold of animals in general, it is possible that you will not get any warning signs that there are problems until very late in the development of the condition. The pet will begin to fall backwards when it walks and will generally be uncomfortable with petting. Glucosamine is the supplement which many pet owners rely on to reduce the level of discomfort for the animal. It can be consumed as either a tablet or in liquid form depending on the most convenient method.

1. Watch out for the older steps: Like human beings, older pets tend to have problems with their bones. Arthritis can be a debilitating condition which makes it very difficult for the animal to climb stairs or travel long distances. You have to prepare a program through which you will be able to deal with the underlying condition and also reduce the escalation of existing symptoms. For example some form of occupational therapy might be combined with the controlled use of glucosamine in order to give the pet a chance.

2. Where does this medication work? In fact the animal's body will already contain high levels of the glucosamine compound within the synovial fluid and ligaments. You are merely topping up when you start the treatment program. In some estimates the supplement can only give you 1/1000th of what is in the body. Therefore you need to get the dosage absolutely right. Cold nights will be particularly uncomfortable and you might need to increase the level of medication. You have to monitor the progress of the animal even as you administer the treatment program.

3. Expanding the options for your dog: The branding process has meant that there is plenty for you to get your teeth into. Do not just walk into the shop and get the nearest item. Instead you should consult with the family vet in order to ensure that you are getting the right product for the right condition. Word of mouth is not really an ideal way to handle this issue. Of course you also need to watch out for adverse reactions since the pet may well be allergic to the treatment program which you are proposing. These are simple measures that you can work with in order to avoid the serious problems that are associated with a sick pet. As for the issue of effectiveness, this supplement has been deemed to be effective (albeit on anecdotal evidence).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Discus Fish - Disease and Their Risks

Native from the Amazon and effectively bred across the world in aquariums, discus aren't as fragile or delicate as you might think. Nevertheless, all breeders need to be conscious of all the dangers of discus fish disease, as they're frequently subject to numerous health issues due to improper care and environment. Breeders the are most cause of discus fish illnesses, this does not imply we're pointing the finger, this is just a reality. Improper treatment, bad or inadequate tank conditions, co-inhabitant's with inappropriate breeds are generally the factor for a discus fish disease.

Probably the most typical discus disease would be the ones that most freshwater fish are prone to having. For example the ammonia poisoning is a discus fish illness that is due to an improper nitrogen cycle inside your aquarium. Do not add tropical fish till the ammonia is removed from the water, perhaps filters do not perform correctly?. To be able to avoid this particular disease, replace the water frequently and steer clear of over-crowding the tank. The signs and symptoms of this disease consist of red and swollen gills and also the fish remaining in the water are at the surface gasping for air.

An additional discus disease that comes from bad water quality will be the Itch or better known as white spot characterised through the little white spots around the physique and fins of the fish. The very best method to battle this is by increasing the temperature in the tank and administrating medicine. Prior to adding the medicine for this kind of discus disease, remove the carbon filter as this might soak up all of the helpful medication. If you want other species of fish in the tank, make certain you set up a quarantine aquarium enabling you to stop any disease entering the tank.

In the event the water temperature isn't suitable you will expose your fish to an additional disease like oxygen starvation. A greater water temperature also demands an elevated degree of oxygen within the water. Consequently, you are able to effortlessly fix this by simple aeration of the water, speeding up the flow through the filters. You might wish to turn off the tank light from time to time, as this also leads to temperature to rising and thus exposes the fish to less oxygen. All in all, maintain the correct temperature for your discus fish, which is 31 degrees Celsius at the absolute maximum.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cycling a New Cichlid Fish Aquarium

With a new aquarium, cycling your tank is the first and most important thing you need to do. This is the process in which your aquarium needs to establish good bacteria. When you first setup your aquarium it will be contaminated with bad bacteria. Before putting cichlid fish into the tank it is important that this bad (harmful) bacteria converts into good bacteria. The first stage of bacteria will break down ammonia into nitrites, and the second stage of bacteria will break down the nitrites into nitrates. Both ammonia and nitrites are harmful to your fish, but nitrates are not, as long as they are at a safe level (below 20ppm).

There are two ways to cycle your tank: with or without fish. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but most fish enthusiasts prefer to do a fishless cycle. Doing a fishless cycle (which I recommend) has many more advantages: it's faster, easier, and avoids permanently harming fish. Plus, the water will be completely ready for fish once the cycle is finished.

Fishless Cycle

One effective way of doing a fishless cycle is to use media, gravel, sand, or decor from another (disease free) aquarium that already has good bacteria established. If you can't find any of these materials, you can purchase bacteria in a bottle from your local fish store. Also, during this process I suggest raising the temperature in the aquarium to around 85 degrees, this allows for a faster chemical reaction.

Cycling with fish

If you decide to go the other route, then you will need hardy fish that can withstand these harmful water conditions; I suggest using either tetras or guppies. Cycling your tank with fish can take anywhere between 4-6 weeks for the nitrates to become established. You will need to do frequent water changes (20%) 3-4 times a week until the cycle is complete. Of course if you are doing a cichlid fish aquarium you will need to remove the starter fish before adding any cichlids to the tank.


Whichever method you chose, it is important to realize that this can be time-consuming(3-6 weeks), therefore patience is a virtue. It is also important to constantly test your water during this process to ensure that your tank is cycling properly. I recommend using a liquid test kit rather than the basic test strips. Make sure before you add sensitive fish, your nitrates are at, or below 20ppm.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tips for Teaching Your Dog to Skate

Teaching your dog to ride a skateboard can be an enjoyable experience for both parties. Try to keep things as simple as possible. If the dog is energetic then the task will be made easier as long as it is able to concentrate on a few basic steps for a period of time. The trainer needs to know what they are doing. You cannot teach tricks which you do not understand. First practice the moves before attempting to get your dog to repeat them.

1. The behavioral dynamics of the relationship: By teaching your dog to skate you will be reinforcing the type of behavior that you expect from it. According to Pavlov's experiment, this is the only way to get our canine friends to mimic human behavior. The dog will benefit from the process of learning about the environment and solving problems. This is a uniquely human trait but the pets have a capability of attempting similar achievements. You may have the added advantage of releasing tension and relieving the stress that the pet may be suffering from. Physical exertion can help with mental relaxation.

2. Have some simple goals: Before you start confusing the pet with constantly changing routines make sure that you have an objective list. You may want him to use his foot or paws. Ascertain whether he is capable of back flips. When you have the head objective you can break it down into smaller tasks. Some people have found that starting backwards is helpful. For example they might make the dog dismount the board in order to teach them how to mount. During the early stages you will notice whether there are mental or physical bottlenecks that affect its learning process.

3. If the dog is not interested then you are wasting time: It is important that you get your dog interested in the activity. Allow the pet to climb onto the equipment and sniff it. Playing with the skateboard will ensure that the dog is familiar with certain routines prior to moving on to the real stuff. Praise him when he achieves even the smallest feats. Once you add an element of fun to the learning process then the pet will be eager to start the activity even when you are getting lazy about it.

4. Find ways of approximating behavior: At the heart of this exercise is an animal with all its limitations. Therefore you will need to give them an equivalent task. This is all about communicating your needs. For example you can step on the skateboard and push on one foot. The dog will try to mimic you if you repeat the activity. Praise and attention will be the reward. Do not feed them too much or they may become physically incapable of doing the work.

Try to attend dog fares so that you get hints from your fellow pet lovers. They might give you the breakthrough that you need in order to get your dog to skate.